Local writer and farmer Lauri Szpak brings her seasonal veggies, as well as her famous local honey: the cure for whatever ails you!
Denise and Judy's farm produces local wool, raw honey and homemade mustards and relishes. They also bring incredible handmade quilts.
Our local coffee gurus, Gun and Naren, supply our market with locally roasted, Fair Trade and organic coffee beans. Fresh coffee available at market: take a bag home!
Sal Apicella brings beauty, warmth, and function together with his handcrafted alpaca wool products. Just ask our market manager about the socks! His wife Judy is a wizard of remedies and he brings her healing salves and potions, along with their home brewed Fire Cider
Barbara's handmade soaps and candles come in a wide variety of natural fragrances to add some spice to your holidays. She will also bring her family recipe shortbread.
Jill comes with her hand crafted knit and crocheted items, as well as other crafty items for your gift giving this season. She also has her Maine relatives crafting for her so she can offer their one of a kind Maine sea glass
art and jewelry.
More than just wonderful Olive Oil blends. Whimsical Olive Branch has great sauces, pestos, and other savory delights to wow any hostess on your list!
Handcrafted hats, scarves and more!
Handcrafted ornaments and holiday decorations.
Tina Torizzo combines hand crafted goat milk soaps with some fantastic felted products, and sometimes brings her local honey if available.
By grinding wheat berries for each batch, Anne has the freshest baked goods around. Breads, scones and other goodies are made with no white flour or sugar and nothing processed. Some wheat free breads and granola available.
Knitted and crocheted items including comfy mittens and scarves.
Melissa Finn brings their wonderful produce to holiday market with her artistic flair including holiday wreaths and decorative items. They also have wonderful prepared items from their
Joanie and Mark join us with extended harvests thanks to their heated greenhouses! They have spiced up the market with fresh ginger, greens, and assortment of great late season organic veggies.
Yes, we have Local Mushrooms!! Dan Kobylynski has been growing these tasty treats for years and now has brought the process indoors, allowing his better half, Darleen, to bring these mushrooms to market.
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